The Rooms Rehearsal Studios, music practice venue with PA, backline and secure on-site storage, since 2001

Links and contacts at
The Rooms Rehearsal Studios

The following links are included for your information and interest. If you are a band using The Rooms and would like your website link included on this page, please ask.

The Rooms Rehearsal Studios are listed in Gig Guide Ltd
Gigs, Bands, Music Venues and Music Information at Gig Guide Ltd

The Official Rooms Rehearsal Studios Facebook Grouparama

The Rooms Rehearsal Studios on MySpace

The West End Centre, Aldershot, local arts and music venue, Facebook Page

Kingfisher Music Company, great deals on guitars and amplifiers

The Rooms Rehearsal Studios proudly supports the Forward4Wiz Trust



We Crash Planes


Band It Gear
Custom band merchandise, t-shirts, badges, stickers


The Rooms Rehearsal Studios, band music practice venue, backline hire and storage for Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey


01252 371177


click this image to email The Rooms Rehearsal Studios


Opening hours

Monday - Friday -10am - midnight

Saturday - 10am - 6pm

Sunday - 10am - 10pm


© 2010 The Rooms Rehearsal Studios, Lynchford Lane, North Camp, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6JD
This site is conceived, hosted and maintained by Test Valley Websites